
Following the Commission of the European Economic Community’s (EEC) Note Verbale, dated 9 August 1963, informing the approval of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and the EEC, the Permanent Delegation of Turkey was inaugurated within the Turkish Embassy in Brussels as the “Delegation to the Common Market”. Turkey’s first Common Market Delegate, Ambassador Oğuz Gökmen, took office on 13 January 1964. Since this date, 14 Permanent Delegates, including the current Permanent Delegate Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, have represented Turkey in the EU.

Over the years, the Turkish Permanent Delegation’s official title evolved from “Delegation of Turkey to the Common Market” to “Permanent Delegation/Representation of Turkey to the European Economic Community”, “Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the European Communities” and finally, “Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the European Union (EU)”.

Relations with the EU institutions, primarily the EU Council, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the EU, constitute the Permanent Delegation’s main mandate. Taking into account the multi-dimensional and deeply rooted relations between Turkey and the EU, counsellorships from various ministries, namely, European Union Affairs, Justice, Economy, Treasury, Finance, and other relevant institutions, the Turkish Military representation as well as a legal advisor are present within the Permanent Delegation.

After having operated in the same building along with the Turkish Embassy and the Turkish Consulate General between 1986- 2011 (April), the Permanent Delegation has moved to its current premises in May 2011.


Faruk KAYMAKCI Ambassador
Monday - Friday

09:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:00